Friday, March 19, 2010

Post 250 - Some Denali History

I have access to which is awesome if you own an OTTB and want to see them race. I would love to be smart enough to figure out how to get the video from the website to my blog without video taping it. Ghetto: Yes. Illegal: probably. I know there's a way to do it...I can't figure it out

A video of her only race. If you notice (and are able to watch the tiny little thing) she's in the back of the pack. She tries hard to begin with then gives up and gets pissed. Its funny now that I own her I know her personality well enough that I can almost guess what she's thinking. Not only is the video super tiny, I'm watching the Office in the background, so turn the sound off! :)

See...not good! At least she didn't get last place right? It makes me wonder what happened to the horses that finished after her. I hope they have a good life. Do you own an OTTB? If so what's their reg. name. If you want to know their race record and don't leave their name in the comments and I'll look their info up and put it in one of the next posts!

250 posts and 75 followers! Thanks everyone!! Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Our Dawn mare's registered name is Silent Dawn, and I know she raced (unplaced we believe) several times, I believe in Minnesota, probably in 2000. I also have her registration number, if you need that (email me). Thanks!

Renee Davis said...

My old mare's registered name was Bronze Gal. I think she ran in 7 races. I'd love to see if they have any of her, but it was a long time ago. She would have raced in 1979 or 1980 as a 2-year old, not sure if she raced when she was older. Thanks! PS, I love reading your blog. Keep it up.

K.K. said...

After I brought home my horse, Pine Bend (which will have been one year tomorrow that I went out and got him) I immediately started searching the internet for any information I could on him. is where I got all my information and race videos. I still can’t believe that my boy actually ran and won money on the track. If you can find it watch his 10/29/03 race. It’s my favorite! The only race that my horse would win now is who can stand still the longest. He even lost at “Red light, Green light” to a 20 year old horse and his 8 year old rider…

RandomBucknellian said...

The mare I'm looking to "buy" is an OTTB, "Smart Mail". I think she raced quite a bit, but didn't win too much. She still likes to go fast, at the age of 11. Here's her pedigree:

Jooles said...

My OTTB was called Wolfie. He raced in England (not sure if you have those records?), I believe only as a two year old. His father was an American TB though, called Wolfhound.

Jay Jennings said...


I didn't know such a site existed! Drop my $6.00 and after 2hrs fighting with my computer. There was my mare in all her glory racing!!!! I have been searching for as much info on her as possible for many many years.


After a bit of digging... If you call Emerald Downs talk to customer service. For $30 per disc the will send you a DVD with 5 your horses races and head shots if there are any.

All you need to get Archival Footage of races: your Horses Name, the Dates they ran on, and the race #'s.

I sure other tracks will do the same since websites have access to archival footage.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

juliette said...

Thanks for posting this! I found a site that archives Philadelphia Park (among others) and my family and I spent too many hours tonight watching our Sovey-boy race. Pie never raced. Great post!

Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

Ohhh u are going to busy!!! Lazarus was "Lycius Two" and I have his winnings papers although I have no clue what they mean..I know he exchanged hands a few times in a few claims races. SOooo curious to see if u can find him!! LOVE watching Denali

OTTB-Little Big Red said...

If you find a non-ghetto way to save the video let us know. We watched Little Big Red's two(2) races (May/June 2008 - Lone Star Park) in November, but only did a one month membership and couldn't figure out a way of capturing/saving the video.

OTTB-Little Big Red said...

Another Resource

Silent Dawn:

Bronze Gal:

Pine Bend:

Smart Mail:

Wolfie: (sorry)


Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

wow...I can not believe my baby raced 49 times!!! ugh, makes me sad for him...that is a lot for a youngster. yikes.

Michelle said...

Very, very, very cool! It must be so exciting to get to watch this bit from Denali's past. How on earth did you find this?

OTTB-Little Big Red said...

To find this information (free) just go to the and type in the horses name.