Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Free Grain

Here is a link for a free coupon to get a bag of Nutrena Grain! I think it's senior grain, but still! AND if you don't need it, I know a certain rescue that could use it! (aka: when you get it in the mail, e-mail me and I'll give you my address! We'll put it to good use!)


appydoesdressage said...

Wow, thanks so much! I hadn't seen this link yet.

Jess said...

Thanks for the heads up! I love SafeChoice.. and am actually quite excited for the SafeChoice Performance!

Louisa Valentina; said...

So, I just finished a week of completely stalking your blog (ie. I read every single post). I feel like i've just been put through the ringer, I completely and utterly commend you on taking a horse off the track, and then maintaing her through so many ups and so, so many downs... You are amazing!

Everytime something went wrong with Denali I just had this complete pit in my stomach and had to read another few months to make sure she lived. I can't imagine what you must have been going through all these years.

Also, you are hilarious.. I love it. The hot yoga post way back when made me laugh so hard - I too have experienced the firey hot yoga hell.. unpleasant, at best.

I hope Denali is doing well and that you and "Mr." are working well together - congrats on attempting to get over all this anxiety and fears!

Okay... ramble over, I hope you don't think I'm some crazy stalker, I just had to get all of that out after spending a week completely living in yours and Denali's world! (.. okay, maybe I am a slight stalker.. I'll admit to it, what can ya do!)
