Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bucking and Rearing

Vet Check, Short and Dry: There was much bucking and rearing during the vet check. Much white face, and "Oh, does she always do that." Many pats on her neck from me, telling her 'Good Girl.' Ms. Vera failed miserably. She got x-rays today, so we are just waiting to hear from her prospective buyer if she still wants the fire breathing dragon or not.

Today I put in my two weeks notice to the GWB. Long story, but I would rather just pay for lessons than work for lessons at this point. I love the barn and the trainer. The amount she is paying is changing, and when I figure in gas (28 miles one way to the barn) it doesn't make sense for me to work for trade any longer. I sent her an e-mail, but haven't heard back yet. We'll see how it goes. I hope well, because I really like it there and still want to go back. If not, I will find another barn (maybe with one Mr. Cody at P2's barn) to make my haven.

In other new news: Friday August 3rd, 6am my hubby and I are jumping in the truck and headed east. Where you ask?

Drum roll please...........

To see the one and only, Storm City Slew!!! I am so excited I can't contain myself! 


SprinklerBandit said...

So much drama!

YAY ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!! Have oodles of fun!

Gingham said...

Ummm blogger is freaking out on me, but Vera must have heard your pleas!!

I think that regardless of what you do you should try some lessons on Cody. He's a love. and you would (in turn) love him.

appydoesdressage said...

So how was your trip???? :D

Achieve1dream said...

Oh Vera!!!

Yay for visiting D! So awesome!!!

Sorry about having to put in your notice at the barn, but I totally understand the reason you're doing it. It's way easier to enjoy yourself when you're just another customer rather than having to work while everyone else is having fun lol. Well that's how it was for me anyway hehe.