Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Pony


I sort of think he's an idiot for doing it, and it was a HUGE risk....but still, pretty impressive! What a good, good pony! Hope everyone on the East Coast is doing okay!!


Janine said...

Yeah, that was nuts!!!

Seindria said...

Oh wow! Yeah, kind of an idiot, but... awesome horse too!

VT got it so much worse than my area (north of Phill, PA) did.

Once Upon an Equine said...

Wow. That was a very good deed...and a little scary cuz the water looked like it was running fairly strong. Yes, a very, very good pony. I hope that horse got some extra carrots at dinnertime.

WishIHadAHorsey said...

Wow - that takes guts. I live in New Orleans and my stomach is in knots over what is going on there. And it might just be my impression but it seems this country with the attention span of gnat has moved on. Unless you have lived it, you have no idea of long and how much gumption it will take to recover. The best recovery is a people's recovery because we learned that waiting on the government will get you nowhere. The people who chose the government are still waiting.

Sorry for the rant - I am glad that man and horse were able to deliver the medicine.

Drillrider said...

As long as their isn't a "flash" flood like there were in AZ, I don't see what the guy did as that idiotic??

Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

Wow..I think Laz would have LOVED this mission!!! But, I think I would have chosen to swim next to him at deep parts, lol

Brooke (FBX Adventures - In Parenting) said...

I come from Western PA, where we didn't have flash floods, just good old plain floods where roads disapear under you. I guess the reason that I thought it COULD be idiotic is because he had no idea if there was a road under his horse at all. I pictured the horse getting over his heads and being swept into the trees to his left.

It was amazingly brave, and what an amazing horse to trust his rider enough to know he'd be safe.