Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6 months ago...

This is what my horse did.... I still just find it amazing that she was able to TAKE OUT the arena wall and NOT get hurt. Not only did she not get hurt but by the time I got over the shock of my horse going THROUGH the wall she had let herself into one of the paddock areas and was drinking water... Her look was priceless, as if to say, "What, WHAT? WHAT!" She was indeed shook up, but no worse for wear....

No other Denali news. She's still 3000 miles away from me. I guess she was great on the 4th of July (have I mentioned I LOVE her barn manager/trainer?) She put them in early, gave them extra dinner and apparently Denali thought it was the best thing Ever. EVER!

My friend reported that Denali tired to kick another horse through the fence who, God Forbid, was eating some grass. You have to understand that Denali has 0 grass in her paddock. Not a blade. Everyone else has grass, but my eating machine has destroyed it all. It's not a little paddock either. I guess 9 years ago before my BM took over the person before her had 4 horses (at least) turned out in the paddocks. The ground just never recovered. Denali doesn't help it by eating ANYTHING that sprouts. I'm glad that the BM checks for poisonous plants diligently. I wouldn't know what to look for.

Denali gets fed a huge breakfast and a huge dinner. I know it's not the ideal situation, and that horses should graze throughout the day, but 1. Denali couldn't be turned out with anyone. She's super food aggressive and 2. Denali DOESN'T need to eat all day. She looks like a tank. A huge muscular tank. Seriously, people can't believe she's a TB when they see her. Maybe I should make up some fake warmblood name and start my own registry. What's a country that doesn't have a warmblood breed yet? Humm...Kazakhstan? My Kazakhstan Warmblood. Sounds good right? This is coming from the same ADULT (yes, I'll admit it) that wants Denali's show name to be "your mom" because I think it would sound HILARIOUS to have someone announce, "Now entering the arena my name here on Your Mom." Sigh... I need a life... sorry! :)


monstersmama said...

HAHAHA, Love the made up warmblood & the your mom! Love it so funny! Its ok my mare gets NO grass. She gets hay and grain and she is fine!

SprinklerBandit said...

I told my husband about the "your mom" thing, and he thought it was awesome. You should do it, just once... ;-)

When in doubt, just say "American Warmblood". Those usually have pretty ambiguous standards, too.

joanna said...

I knew someone who gave their horse the show name "Shepherd's Moneysucker".

Secong the motion for American Warmblood. It's pretty much a catchall term.

My mom's OTTB, 16.2, gets 1 quart per feeding, no hay, and 24 hour turnout on 4 acres with 3 other horses. He is a PORKCHOP. Seriously, can't find a rib. Who says TBs can't be fat.