Monday, January 23, 2012

Downfalls of Snowpocalypse....

Let me tell you a story....

A friend of mine owns a beautiful Thoroughbred. Last week during Snowpocalypse, I was sitting at home doing nada, and saw that someone posted one her Facebook to "Call --------- Emergency." I didn't think much about it, but then quickly found out that her worst nightmare was coming true.

Along with Snowpocalypse came ice. Lots and lots of ice. The trees were thick with ice, and one on her property finally gave way. It crashed down right onto the fence that her horses are in. Her horse took off running down the road, and ran right into a car.

Her boy went through the front window and knocked heads with the driver. The car was totalled. Believe it or not, beside some glass in his head and a few cuts and scrapes, he is "okay." He is recovering at a barn that is across the street from where he was hit, but he's doing okay.

How crazy/lucky is that horse!

Anyone else have some amazing stories of survival? Since Denali survived the impossible, and is now living the life, there is something to be said to the strength of horses and miracles. I would love to post your stories of survival. If you have one, feel free to send it to me at and I will post them here!


MableKB said...

Interesting you mention the horse was ok, but nothing about the driver. I'll assume they are ok, but funny how our perspective changes as horse owners.

Ruth said...

Goodness, what a lucky escape!!

Once I was riding my horse down the road. We were coming around a corner just as a driver was coming the other way. My horse and I were well off the road n the grass verge but the driver wasn't concentrating and was driving too fast. When he looked up and saw me on my horse he panicked and his rear wheels hit the gravel. He lost control over his car and came sliding towards us now full on the grass. He passed with what seemed like 4 inches of me and Poppy when in reality it was more like 2 meters. He went smashing through the fence beside us. Poppy tried to bolt but there was a power pole in front of us.
That was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me.

Brooke (FBX Adventures - In Parenting) said...

Opps!! Yes, yes! Driver was totally fine!

Achieve1dream said...

Yikes!!! That is so scary!! I'm glad everyone was okay.