Monday, July 4, 2011

600th Post Give-Away!

July 8th, 2008 I was at a horse auction just "looking" but by the end of the day I learned two things. 1. They really are one of the saddest places you'll ever go, and 2. Even when you leave your check book at home (on purpose) they take DISCOVER! I can't believe that it's going to be 3 years that I've owned Denali. I can honestly say that we are not doing what I expected that we'd be doing, sometimes that gets me down, sometimes I breath a sigh of relief. No matter what I love her, and can't wait to have her in my backyard!

AND since you've been along for the majority of the ride AND this is my 600th post I decided I would do a blog give-away! It's simple.

 1. Be a follower of this blog
 2. Comment on this post as to why you decided to follow my blog (and yes, saying that we are a train wreck waiting to happen is an acceptable answer!)

I will "pull a name" when I get back from my trip to visit my family in Pennsylvania (July 21st.) Thank you for everything you've done for me! I still think about November and how everyone held me together when I didn't know if I could myself. I am forever grateful for that!

What does the winner get? I like to support businesses that give back to the horse community. The wonderful woman who makes Nibblenets donated a bag for me to use at the Center's fund raiser in September. What better way than for me to give her some more business? Plus, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE mine! The winner will get a Nibblenet!  I am only going to be able to ship the bag to the US (unless you lovely Canadian readers want to pay shipping. :) If you're nice I will even allow you to pick your color (although if Denali hears that you pick any color other than red she'll be very unhappy!)

Thanks for being there and thanks for reading!


Seindria said...

I followed you because... I like following random bloggers, and you have a horse, which I do not and will not for a long time if ever, by the looks of it*, and I have been horse obsessed since I was a little kid. So it's a win for me. :3

(* - if, by random chance, my name is drawn, I have an idea for the gift since I do not have a horse. :x)

Lisa said...

I'm in Sydney so I dont qualify for the give away due to postage, but I wanted to comment anyway. I heard about you from Eventing-a-Gogo, and I started following you right when you were planning to put Danali down. My heart went out to you and I was so happy when it never happened. :)

lmel said...

I enjoy reading about other people's foibles with their OTTB so I can commiserate with what they are going through. Like you, mine has put me in the puckerbrush a time or two and given me plenty of black and blue bruises.And like you, I love my Harley to death. He's such a sweetie and anything that happens is usually because I've come unglued, just all part of the game. Good for you for sticking with Denali. Yes, it's expensive, can injure you, can break your bank account, but we all do it for the same reason--for the love of the horse. Keep at it, girl!

Mare said...

I followed because the name of your blog caught my eye and then I started reading and couldn't stop!

appydoesdressage said...

I followed you because I like your writing style and you have a good way of telling your story. You include enough pictures to share your story and you seem very honest in your posts.
I know I found you through another blogger but that was so long ago I can't remember who it was (Go-go's maybe?). I have found a couple of new blogs as a result of you (Pia and That's a trot), I love reading your blogs!

Gabriella Elise said...

I followed you because:
1. you have a horse with lameness problems, just like me.
2. you own a horse who really owns you, just like me.
3. you own a blog dedicated to a horse, somewhat like me (mine is dedicated to... i dunnno, 6 horses?)
4. you are one amazing person, and you take such great care of Denali, and you are an inspiration for me!

Kate said...

I followed you because I love feisty mares and I wanted to learn more about your journey with Denali.

Ashley said...

Great way to ring in your 600th post! that is an incredible amount of posting you've done! you should get it print out in a book :)

I decided to follow you when I was starting out my blogger life. I was searching for "horse blogs" and stumbled upon your and was caught by the beauty of Denali :)

Have fun on your trip!!

Natalia said...

I followed because I found your blog linked somewhere else. I read a few posts, then forgot about it, and then remembered about it again. It was at the time where you were going to put Denali down. That's when I followed it annomously for a while, because I was concerned about you and Denali. When I made my account on blogger, I followed you for reals. Mostly, I followed you to find out what is going to happen to Denali. She's more exciting with tv. Plus, you write well.

Amber said...

I follow your blog because you found my blog :).

Yeah, I have never been to a horse auction in my life. Always wanted to when I was little, my parents were smart and didn't let me. Now I just have no desire. I have enough horses and really don't want to see all that.

Hope you had a great 4th of July and wow 600 posts!!!! Thats a lot.

Dom said...

I followed you because Erin was telling me about you and I had to check it out. Plus I kept seeing you pop up in comments.

Sue said...

I follow because.....I CAN RELATE! Love your blog! Thank you for writing it!

WishIHadAHorsey said...

I can't remember how I found you but have been enamored by your writing style, compassion and humor. Even at what you consider to be your lowest, you have a funny unique outlook that reminds me to keep my head up. I love seeing pictures of Denali and dreaming of one day that I can have a horse again!

Becky said...

I found your blog through a comment you posted on fugly... I can't remember what it was but I clicked on it & saw your title "Green n Green = Black & blue" & thought... hah that sounds like Cheyenne & I! Plus you work with kiddos like I do, & I always find those blurbs ultra entertaining. :)

Ms Martyr said...

I don't remember specifically how I found your blog. Most likely you made a comment somewhere that intrigued me so I followed your link. I find your writing delightful and it's very easy for me to experience vicariously what you're sharing in your entries. You and Denali rock.

K.K. said...

I started following your blog because you had posted somewhere about the awful boarding situation Denali was once in, I was then hooked because I'd had been boarding at an awful barn. AND I am also owned by an OTTB and love hearing other peoples experiences with them!

TBA said...

I also heard about you through Eventing-A-Gogo and I followed you because you obviously take wonderful care of Denali and I enjoy reading about your horsey life.

Frizzle said...

I remember reading Sprinklerbandit's blog and seeing "Green and Green = Black and Blue" on her blog roll list. Definitely an attention-grabber, lol. Started reading because it was an interesting title, and was hooked because you rescued a TB from auction (and possible slaughter). And of course I stuck around because you guys are quite the wild rollercoaster ride!! ;-)

Sand. said...

Oh gees...I think I stumbled across you from another blog! I just have too much time to think horses at work, and obsess over new blogs!

Lucky me I found yours, and have been following ever since!

SprinklerBandit said...

I followed because I was new to blogging, saw your comment on fugly, and your story was compelling. Plus, your style is hilarious.

Gooddog_baddog said...

I love your blog and I click on it everyday...sometimes multiple times of the day...I love hearing your good news and my heart tugs when I read the bad news, but I have Faith there is a reason for everything...

Checkmark115 said...

I started following you because of Andrea at Eventing A Gogo. It was right before you were about to put Denali down and I HAD to know your story. ALSO, she is an OTTB, which, owning one myself, I have a soft spot for.

HollyHorse said...

I've been following you for awhile because I love hearing your story and trials with your mare, and the incredible love and bond you have with an animal, so much that you'd spend thousands just to keep them with you. I know the feeling of seeing a horse and just knowing...which is what I felt with my girl Holly when she was a foal and I was 13. I should not have gotten a baby as my first horse, but did, and now 10 years later we have an amazing bond-through trials, lameness issues (a wrong navicular diagnosis and laminitis), and I'll never love another horse like her. And Denali reminds of of my other mare, Glory. And your writing style keeps me coming back.

I also love hearing about your kids, because I work with children too-foster kids and right now I'm currently volunteering at a children's home several states away from my family and horses, for 3-6 months. I have some crazy kid stories too!

Sorry for the novel but I'd defintely use a nibble net...had some cheaper ones but my horses destroyed them.

JillW said...

I found your blog after seeing the Thanksgiving post you put on FHotD and I started following as soon as I read your first post about coming home with Denali. I very much appreciate your candid and sincere writing and I am so glad it's getting better all the time (even if it doesn't always feel like it)! Thanks for sharing with us :)

Lisa said...

I'm not sure if I started following you through Equisearch or Flying Solo, but I was just really getting into riding and could relate to some of your problems and fears. I love hearing about Denali's progress. She is a lucky girl to have such a great mom.

Also, if I remember correctly, my horse Kid and Denali share the same birthday - 02/20/2004.

Jessica said...

I think I stumbled across your blog when you had the picture of the wall that Denali crashed through at the first barn. That picture caught my attention!

You guys sure have come far since then.

Janine said...

LOL, I love the way you write. I feel I am right there with you. I just read your last post. You are not fat, you look great and you are a super mom to Denali. People are stupid if they comment on stupid things. Don't worry what they think. We who really read all of this love you both! Have a super day and many hugs to Denali!

Gina said...

I followed you because I too have an accident prone TB, and while mine is still ridable I can only hope I will be able to show him half the devotion you show to Denali. You have set a standard in my head for what it means to be a horse owner and I know that even if I could never ride my boy again starting tomorrow I give him the same care you give Denali.

Unknown said...

I followed you because of your clear passion for the horse you love. We both share that passion. My own OTTB has had some severe ups and downs in the few years I've owned him and its nice to know you're not alone. Keep it up and good luck!

Sarah said...

Congrats on your 600th post, holy crap!! I started following you when you commented on Fugly's blog:) It's been great reading all about your journey with Denali, even when it's been scary and heartbreaking. I hope you continue to blog about your pretty girl for many years to come!

Cygnata said...

I think I found you through Fugly, actually, and showed Gryph. :) And from you to Go-go. :) We've always been rooting for you and Denali!


(If we win, donate it to Shiloh in Nevada or Angel Acres in PA for us? :D)

Also, if you're out by Philly, I'm just north of there! Gryph has sadly moved further north but we keep in touch.

cygnata at yahoo dot com ;)


Achieve1dream said...

I don't remember which post I read first, but it was during the time when you were considering euthanizing Denali. I could tell how much you loved her and it broke my heart that you were having to make that tough decision. As soon as I read the post I went back to the beginning of your blog and read every single post you wrote to see the history behind Denali. When I got done reading everything I became a follower because I couldn't imagine not knowing what happened to D. When I went back to read your blog I think I was hoping I'd know some other answer to help D so you didn't have to put her done. I was so happy for the snow that prevented it from happening. You're doing an amazing job with D. Keep it up. :D

Andrea said...

I follow you cause we both have crazy wild cuckoo bird lame bay mares!

Leah Fry said...

I follow your blog because I like rooting for the underdog and because you're just as much of a train wreck as I am. And how could I not follow someone from my home state?

Congrats on your 600th post. Do come by my blog. There's still time to enter my 400th post giveaway.

hammerhorses said...

I think Denali is a cutie pie and I joined to hopefully see you guys enjoying each other more in the future!

Ellie said...

I followed you because I've been lurking for months and figured it was about time I made it legit! But I started reading your blog because your story is extremely compelling, and I love reading about your adventures with Denali. I also love OTTBs and hope to have one some day.

summersmom said...

I started following your blog because when I purchased my horse we were both extremely green. I loved the title and how descriptive it was. Your road has been a bit different from ours, but I understand your frustrations with training and the ups and downs of the fear that comes with it. Love reading your blog!!

Liz said...

I decided to follow because I love reading others experiences with their horses and I dream of rescuing an OTTB one day. I was given a horse in March - my first, though I've ridden for 17 years - and he's a mess. Its really encouraging to read others trials and tribulations and gain insight.

Nicole said...

I found your blog through eventing a go go. I kept reading it because I loved reading about your trials with an OTTB. My sister has one and I love reading about them. I fell in love with your recycle t-shirt with OTTB on it.
I love that you are completely honest about your emotions with your horse and life. I also live in washington on the kitsap peninsula, so I also love hearing about local(ish) events.
I also support SAFE and enjoy hearing about the horses you've seen from that.
Please, please keep up the good work.