I wanted to write and tell you some HUGE lie since it's April 1, but since that drives me crazy I'll pass.
I woke up early to drive my brother to the airport. I don't understand why it is that everyone I love decides to fly out at the crack of dawn! Ugh. I hate driving to the airport, and I hate it even more at 4 or 5 am.
When I got home I took a quick nap then met a friend who hasn't met Denali yet. I had offered to drive her out to the barn, if she didn't mind stopping at the tack store first. I wanted to pick up a new bit for Denali and the tack store was having a 14% off sale (not a typo, it was their anniversary.) I entered my name in their drawing, bought a french link, loose ring snaffle, and then went to the barn.
The other trainer was riding Denali today. She was going really well. She was so light in the bridle and looked amazing, apparently a huge improvement from Tuesday. I hope she likes her new bit, we'll see!
Still trying to find money to do the shots. I went through some of my stuff that I don't use and plan to sell it either on craigslist or on eBay. I love selling stuff, but I hate answering a bazillion questions! I actually got paid extra for some tutoring I did last month, so once I make sure that we have some money in savings I'll get Ms. D the shots. I do feel guilty about not doing it right away, but she doesn't need it right away. At least I think so...
When I got home I got a call from the tack store. I won something! I got my choice, so I took some joint supplements. I don't know anything about them, but if it's not something I can use I'll donate it.
How are everyone's ponies adjusting to Spring where you live?
LBR is doing great with the arrival of spring and warmer weather (he's much more mellow). I rode last night and we had winds blowing around 20 mph. The difference is they're out of the south and warm so instead of getting hyped-up, he gets sleepy.
He is finally shedding too though he is hanging onto some long hairs under his chin and around his fetlocks....time for clippers:-)
We're remembering what shedding blades are really used for... transferring the horse's hair to your own body, lol.
If you want to look into joint supplements, I'd suggest taking a look at one of SmartPak's catalogs. They usually have a page in each section that has a checklist of ingredients in each supplement, and a description of what each ingredient does.
(word verification: durdfabl hahaha)
Spook-tastic! Shedding like a crazy man, fiery and full of energy and runs with the gusts of wind. Smells SO good out lately..fresh! I love spring!
Holy cow girl!! This is your lucky week, I hope you played the lottery! =) I just wanted to say congrats on winning the Pets Blogroll contest (and apparently the tack store drawing, too!) and thanks for entering. Pass on the info too, we've got a few other giveaways coming up and need to get the word out!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog! I am a horse person without a horse right now (attempting to finish my degree and then get my master's) and there are days when I miss having horses so much I just ache! Reading blogs like yours helps ease the pain a bit, so thank you for sharing :)
Silly thing messed up, so I repost!
Our crew is finishing shedding out and full of SASS. The rain showers and Jay and I's continued case of the sickies meant we just cleaned brushes today, which SO needed to be done.
Our OTTB mare also hates leaning forward, probably dressage training in her case, but maybe the track.
I wanted to go to the sale at the Gift Horse, but we've got the vet coming next week and need to save up! Congrats on your free joint supp! (I'm Jay's GF, BTW, Hi!:) )
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