Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buck Clinic

We are actually having fall in the PNW. In years past we have gone from summer to rain and leaves all over with rain all the time and no sun. This year the leaves actually changed and are still on the trees. The weather is cool in the morning and in the 50's during the day. The sun is shining and it's beautiful.

I started my new job a few weeks ago, and today got my paycheck. It's nice to have some extra money to help pay for the mare-beast, but sometimes it's just discouraging. In order to save any money I needed to work this job, but working this job keeps me in Seattle. I don't make it to the barn, have been out there two times in four weeks!! TWICE! Maybe that's why I feel so craptastic.

A week ago I got a cold, and it kept getting worse, but did I stop and rest? Nope. I went to the Buck Brannaman clinic. It, of course, was AWESOME!! I was so glad that I made the drive down to see him in person. A friend of mine was there and we kept commenting on how we thought our horses would behave. She owns a fiery red head Saddlebred mare. The clinic was fascinating. I took a load of pictures, but can't find my camera to post them (but I will.) There were 22 horses in the session that I watched. It was the Horsemanship 1. Here is the discription from the website:

"For the green horse and rider already comfortable in the snaffle bit along with aged horses needing continued work. This is the first stage of progressing into the bridle with all basic movements introduced. All levels of riders - no matter what discipline - will benefit. The class features strictly dry work - no cattle. All maneuvers stress the vaquero style of riding and are appropriate for horses from first level snaffle to experienced bridle horses. Hackamore horses welcome."

I wish that I could have seen a colt starting clinic, but I took what I could get. I will post pictures soon.

Sunday my friends and I did a 5k. NOT the best idea when I've been sick because today my body has decided that it's done. I woke up coughing so hard that I kept getting sick. I went into work and promptly walked back out and slept for 4 hours. I feel more human like.

Hope all is well with you. I need a few more hours in the day. Let me know if I can borrow some of yours!


Niamh said...

oooh, I can't wait to hear about the clinic!

Drillrider said...

I am sooooooooo jealous! We just watched the movie "Buck" again last night and were talking about wanting to go to a clinic! Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!!

Slbaldwin said...

That sounds like it was a fun clinic!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well I hope you get better soon. Don't go near Denali while you are sick I can hear her now "Mom I love you but DO NOT come near me with those germs *run away*!!" xD Get some much needed rest.

I'm attending a Tellington (TTouch) clinic tonight I am so excited and can't wait to share the experience!

Achieve1dream said...

Awww that sucks about being sick. I'm trying to avoid it right now because everyone around me seems to be sick and perfectly happy to be passing around their germs. People can be so inconsiderate. I hope you feel better soon.