Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm too fat for my blanket...

I wrote an earlier post (so be sure to check that out) however, I keep singing the song "Fat guy in a little coat" Why? I'm not 100% sure, but I think it has to do with Ms. Denali outgrowing her super expensive Rambo Supreme blanket.

I don't mean Wow, you're a horrible horse owner and are trying to squeeze your horse into a too small blanket, I mean that Ms. Denali has packed on a few pounds (and by pounds I mean muscle) so her blanket is starting to rub on her butt and hip area.

I noticed it today while furminating her (best $70 I've ever spent There were a few spots that were not as shiny (OH NO! lol) and I figured out that it is just a little tight on the rump, and therefore wearing away some of the hair. Not the end of the world. It actually had me a little excited that she's gotten so much bigger since the END (note: END!!) of the EPM treamtents.

My little 1,200+ pound Thouroughbred....

1 comment:

SprinklerBandit said...

Dang horses!! I had to buy a shoulder guard for Izzy because her blanket started rubbing her, poor thing. I will get her a new blanket when I can afford it... not sure when that will be.